Luxury short-term rentals in historic downtown Frederick, MD

An Introduction to the City of Frederick

Evangelical Luthern Church
All Saints Episcopal Church
Centennial Memorial United Methodist Church
Calvary United Methodist Church
Frederick Presbyterian Church 2
Frederick Presbyterian Church
Evangelical Reformed Church of Christ
St John, the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church
The Carillon in Springtime
The Carillon in Winter
The Carillon in Summer

A carillon(pronounced


is a musical instrument 

that is usually housed in a free-standing bell tower, or the belfry of a church or other municipal building. The instrument consists of at least 23 cast bronze cup-shaped bells, which are played serially to play a melody, or sounded together to play a chord.

   The City of Frederick


     If you aren't familiar with the beauty and charm of Frederick’s downtown, here

     are a few facts and photos  (many loaned from talented Internet photographers)  

     to "whet your appetite" and make you want to visit us – SOON!

    Frederick's new Visitor Center, located at 151 S. East Street, is open from

    9am to 5:30pm, seven days a week.    It's the perfect spot to start your exploration

    area.  Parking is free and there is great 13-minute multi-screen

    orientation presentation.




  Click here for Link to the  Frederick Visitor Center Website


    Frederick's "logo" is the "Clustered Spires."  The phrase comes from a famous poem

    by John Greenleaf Whittier about Frederick native Barbara Fritchie, who, at age 95,

    proudly and defiantly flew the Union flag in the face of Confederate General Stonewall

    Jackson, as he marched his troops through Frederick in 1862.  The poem begins:


                        "Up from the meadows rich with corn,

                          Clear in the cool September morn,

                          The clustered spires of Frederick stand

                          Green-walled by the hills of Maryland..."

Frederick Slideshow (36 views of our beautiful city!)

Baker Park in the Fall
Frederick Skyline in Winter
The Carillon in the Fall